Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Job Mock Interview

Today we had the mock job interview; I woke up at 10:30 am and reached the college at 12 pm. My interview was at 1:30 and I was ready and well prepared as I had an extra print out for my CV and the cover letter with the job description. When they called my name I felt a little scared. I was hoping to have an assessor who taught me before, so they know me and I can be comfortable, but unfortunately, I didn’t know both of the assessors. The first question they asked me was talk about you; I answered that question and said that I am a little bit sensitive person, and so on. After that all the questions were related to me being sensitive. For example, you said that you are sensitive, how do you deal with rejection or how can you be a leader if you are sensitive or you have lots of experiences, did you face any problem with you being sensitive. I really became angry why did they take this issue seriously and in the last of the interview, they asked me if I had a question for them and I said no I entered your website and had all the information I needed and then they said to me you should have some questions for us otherwise you will not seem interested in the job. I became angrier because our sir said it’s not important to have a question.
I think I did well in the interview and hope to have a good mark, but I don’t think I will. Then I returned to the home and had my lunch and then started to study the midterm exam for the corporate clients’ course. I really hope the exam goes well tomorrow and to have a high mark.

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Google Project

Our first project in MIS was to make a training session for the students about one of the Google tools and teach them how to use them. I had to teach the students about Google groups and talk about why we use them and the steps of creating one.

I was prapared well for the training session and I think that I did a good job. Each person has strengths and weaknesses, and my strengths was that I had a loud voice so that every one could hear me in the class. Moreover, I explained the lesson step by step and asked everyone if they understood or not. I had few mistakes that I should avoided. My first mistake was that I didn't walk around the classroom to see if the students are following what I was explaining. My second mistake was that I wasted a little of my time for the presentation as I did not know that presenations are not necessary in the training session. Another thing I did wrong was that I did not ask the students to download the files that I sent them before the class, so I do not waste my time for them to download while I am explaining.

In the next training session I will avoid all my weaknesses and try to overcome them. Actully I prefer to have a presentation instead of a training session and that is because I really get bored when I repeat the information several times, and I feel stressed because of the time limit.

In conclusion, I got some benefits from this project as I realized my strengths and weaknesses points. I hope I do a better job in my next training session.