Friday, November 20, 2009

A very exhausted week

Last week was really stressful as we had to prepare for the MIS project and we were a little worried of what will happen and how we will explain to the students. We also had a take home exam which has the same deadline of the MIS project, so we tried really hard to manage our time in order to make both of them done.

I tried to do the take home exam for the international trade and finance course by myself but there were some questions I couldn’t understand, so I asked my friends and we tried to do them together and ask the teacher if we couldn’t solve them. According to the MIS project which is about explaining a chapter about the IT Infrastructure for the students, we sat together and tried to do a plan and what each will do and then each of the group members researched a little and used the book. On Wednesday the girls went to the air show and we used that time to practice how we will present and teach the students. We also went to the data center in the college after arranging an appointment with one of the staff there, he explained to us about the data center and how does it work, then we asked him that we will bring the students to the data center on Sunday.

Finally, today is Friday but instead of going out and having fun we are doing and preparing for the MIS project, and we hope everything will go as we planned.

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